Fast, Accurate Scanning
Superior scanning performance, even on damaged and poor-quality barcodes, eliminates wasted seconds from every transaction.
Best-in-Class Durability
Engineered to withstand 2,000 0.5 m (1.6 ft) tumbles and 50 1.8 m (6 ft) drops, the scanners bring class-leading durability and reliability to any environment.
Accurate 1D and 2D Scans
Xenon XP 1950 series scanners are optimized for scanning both digital codes off customer smartphones and merchandise codes by the cashier at the register.
Dimensions (L x W x H)
99 mm x 64 mm x 165 mm (3.9 in x 2.5 in x 6.5 in)
Scanner Weight
160 g (5.6 oz)
Input Voltage
4.4V DC – 5.5V DC
Operating Power (Charging) Bases
2.5W (500 mA @ 5V DC)
Host System Interfaces
USB, Keyboard Wedge, RS-232, RS485 support for TGCS (IBM) 46XX
User Indicators
Good Decode LEDs, Rear View LEDs, Beeper (adjustable tone and volume), Vibration (optional)
Operating Temperature
0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
Storage Temperature
-40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (Scanners and Cradles)
±8 kV indirect coupling plane, ±15 kV direct air
0% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
2,000 0.5 m (1.6 ft) tumbles (impacts)
Engineered to withstand 50 1.8 m (6 ft) drops to concrete
Environmental Sealing
Light Levels
0 to 100,000 lux (9,290 foot-candles)
Scan Pattern
Area Image (1280 x 800 pixel array)
Motion Tolerance
Up to 400 cm/s (157 in/s) for 13 mil UPC at optimal focus
Scan Angle
SR: Horizontal: 48°; Vertical: 30°
HD: Horizontal: 48°; Vertical: 30°
Print Contrast
20% minimum reflectance difference
Roll, Pitch, Skew
±360°, ±45°, ±65°
Decode Capabilities
Reads standard 1D, PDF, 2D, Postal Digimarc, DOT Code, and OCR symbologies
Note: Decode capabilities dependent on configuration